Deciding on the Best Time to Sell Your Home
The best time of the year to get your home for sale is between May 1 and May 15, according to an American study. Homes listed for sale in this period are usually sold two weeks faster than those listed in the rest of the year. The reason has to do with the behavior of potential buyers. They study the market typically for a long time and, after careful analysis, they decide to buy before the approach of summer holidays and vacations, considering this interval as the most cost-effective too. However, it is equally true that many people are willing to pay a little extra, in an attempt to secure a quality home.
Saturday – the best day to publish a home sale announcement
As for the best day of the week to sell your home, the same American study shows that you should publish a sale announcement on Saturday. People have more free time during the weekend, and those especially interested in buying a house will study the offer more intensively, thus the chances of your home being sold are better.
It is good to know that, on average, the selling time of a home is up to 70 days, but this is an optimistic estimate, considering that it can be extended up to a year or even longer, if you try to you sell the house for a price above market expectations.
Call a reputable real estate broker and have them provide you with the sales data on homes for sale 80602. This information can help you determine what time will be best for selling your home in that area, and the price that will fit your financial agenda.