Is July the Best Time to Buy a House in Colorado?

Is July the Best Time to Buy a House in Colorado?

Is July the Best Time to Buy a House in Colorado?

In determining when the best time to move to Colorado might be, there are a lot of pitfalls you will have to be mindful of. After  all, it does not do to try to get a good price when everyone is bidding, nor is it a good idea to buy your new dream home before winter, when time is short and you might not get all the renovation or finish work completed before the freeze sets in.

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The best approach you might have is to determine when the busiest months are, and aim to start bidding about a month after that time. In Colorado, the busiest and most competitive time of the year, when it comes to real estate purchases, is around the beginning of spring and the start of June. By the end of June, according to some realtors, things start settling down, so July is actually the best time of the year to look at Colorado new homes 80016 listings.

Now, you might think that August through October is also good. However, while August still works, it can lead to a few rushed projects, and if there are delays due to bad weather, the decision of waiting too long can come back to haunt you. Moreover, buying a new home and moving in is not going to be a straightforward business, nor is finding your new dream home. If you account for the amount of time needed to locate a realtor, find a house, negotiate, buy, move in and renovate, the only practical time to start all that is still the month of July.