Welcoming from the moment you arrive, this charming Fox Run 2-story overlooks a community courtyard/green space and features 3 beds, 2 baths, living room, kitchen and attached garage. Great as an investment property or as a primary residence. Neutral tones make it easy to picture yourself here. This home just needs your personal touches. The many windows allow the natural sunlight to cascade in bright and cheerful. Central air conditioning and ceiling fans keep this home comfortable all year long. The kitchen is nicely appointed with stainless steel appliances (gas range), slab granite counters and a tile floor. All bedroom are on the upper level. Pride of ownership shines throughout. Close to dining, shopping, entertainment and other amenities. Don’t miss your opportunity. Welcome Home!
Price: | $$450,000 |
Address: | 10700 Kimblewyck Circle 204 |
City: | Northglenn |
County: | Adams |
State: | Colorado |
Subdivision: | Fox Run |
MLS: | 3375086 |
Square Feet: | 1,480 |
Acres: | 0.090 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.090 acres |
Bedrooms: | 3 |
Bathrooms: | 2 |
ppa: | 5022222.22 |
levels: | Two |
taxYear: | 2021 |
psfTotal: | 305.41 |
priceType: | List Price |
roomCount: | 8 |
areaSource: | Public Records |
basementYN: | no |
exclusions: | Seller’s personal possessions, draperies |
highSchool: | Thornton |
possession: | Negotiable |
builderName: | KB Home |
commonWalls: | No Common Walls |
concessions: | Buyer Closing Costs/Seller Points Paid |
contingency: | None Known |
lotSizeArea: | 3720 |
psfFinished: | 305.41 |
listingTerms: | Cash, Conventional, FHA, VA Loan |
lotSizeUnits: | Square Feet |
parkingCount: | 1 |
fee2Frequency: | Monthly |
psfAboveGrade: | 305.41 |
structureType: | House |
buyerFinancing: | FHA |
windowFeatures: | Double Pane Windows |
associationName: | Fox Run |
feeFrequencyMLS: | Quarterly |
roadSurfaceType: | Paved |
taxAnnualAmount: | 2923 |
waterIncludedYN: | yes |
associationName2: | Kimblewyck Village |
elementarySchool: | Stellar |
roadFrontageType: | Public |
concessionsAmount: | 1500 |
roadResponsibility: | Public Maintained Road |
upperLevelBedrooms: | 3 |
submittedProspectYN: | no |
upperLevelBathrooms: | 2 |
allowedUseCaseGroups: | IDX |
associationFeeAnnual: | 240.00 |
middleOrJuniorSchool: | Northglenn |
associationFee2Annual: | 660.00 |
associationFee3Annual: | 0.00 |
restrictionsCovenants: | Other |
aboveGradeFinishedArea: | 1480 |
contractEarnestCheckTo: | Land Title Guarantee |
multipleAssociationsYN: | yes |
restrictionsCovenantsYN: | yes |
specialListingConditions: | None |
associationFeeTotalAnnual: | 900.00 |
associationManagementType: | Professionally Managed |
associationManagementType2: | Professionally Managed |
middleOrJuniorSchoolDistrict: | Adams 12 5 Star Schl |