Great 2-story townhome in The Timbers features 3 beds, 2 baths, kitchen, living room, dining room and finished basement. Neutral tones throughout. The kitchen has stainless steel appliances. Perfect for yourself or as an investment property. The finished basement is carpeted and paneled w/ a counter space plus a storage area. The HOA includes water and trash. Central air conditioning. Great location – convenient to dining, shopping, entertainment and other amenities. Easy access to public transportation. Add your own personal flair. Quick Possession. Vacant.
Price: | $$329,000 |
Address: | 15120 E Hampden Circle |
City: | Aurora |
County: | Arapahoe |
State: | Colorado |
Subdivision: | The Timbers |
MLS: | 4537369 |
Square Feet: | 1,944 |
Acres: | 0.030 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.030 acres |
Bedrooms: | 3 |
Bathrooms: | 2 |
Half Bathrooms: | 1 |
ppa: | 10966666.67 |
levels: | Two |
taxYear: | 2020 |
psfTotal: | 169.24 |
priceType: | List Price |
roomCount: | 9 |
areaSource: | Public Records |
basementYN: | yes |
exclusions: | Seller's personal possessions |
highSchool: | Smoky Hill |
possession: | Closing/DOD |
commonWalls: | No One Above, No One Below |
concessions: | No |
contingency: | None Known |
lotSizeArea: | 1263 |
psfFinished: | 253.86 |
listingTerms: | Cash, Conventional, FHA |
lotSizeUnits: | Square Feet |
parkingCount: | 1 |
psfAboveGrade: | 253.86 |
structureType: | Townhouse |
buyerFinancing: | FHA |
associationName: | Colorado Property Management |
feeFrequencyMLS: | Monthly |
roadSurfaceType: | Paved |
taxAnnualAmount: | 1229 |
elementarySchool: | Independence |
roadFrontageType: | Public |
contractMinEarnest: | 3500.00 |
mainLevelBathrooms: | 1 |
roadResponsibility: | Public Maintained Road |
upperLevelBedrooms: | 3 |
submittedProspectYN: | no |
upperLevelBathrooms: | 1 |
allowedUseCaseGroups: | IDX |
associationFeeAnnual: | 4080.00 |
middleOrJuniorSchool: | Laredo |
associationFee2Annual: | 0.00 |
associationFee3Annual: | 0.00 |
restrictionsCovenants: | Other |
aboveGradeFinishedArea: | 1296 |
associationFeeIncludes: | Trash, Water |
contractEarnestCheckTo: | RE/MAX Masters Millennium |
multipleAssociationsYN: | no |
restrictionsCovenantsYN: | yes |
belowGradeUnfinishedArea: | 648.00 |
specialListingConditions: | None |
associationFeeTotalAnnual: | 4080.00 |
associationManagementType: | Professionally Managed |
middleOrJuniorSchoolDistrict: | Cherry Creek 5 |
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