Why Good Real Estate Professionals Are Hard to Come by
Real estate agents are much more than what we were taught they were from movies and TV. To be successful, they need to engage with various clients and make sure that they understand their needs. And that takes some severe human psychology. That’s why not every real estate professional is a good one. Also, that’s why the good ones are that hard to find. They aren’t just middlemen between two people trying to sell and buy a house. They get involved and know how to navigate complicated human relations to find common ground.
Also, real estate professionals are hard to come by because not many last in this business. Granted, the real estate business is a very profitable one if you know how to do it right. But it is also a pretty difficult one to make a name for yourself in. So the people that want to try their hand at it can find it difficult if they don’t dedicate themselves fully to it. That’s why true professionals, like Tom Ullrich, are the ones that last the longest in the business and the ones that make the most connections during that time.