ppa: | 5100000.00 |
levels: | One |
taxYear: | 2022 |
psfTotal: | 204.90 |
lotNumber: | 4171 |
priceType: | List Price |
roomCount: | 15 |
areaSource: | Builder |
basementYN: | yes |
directions: | Taking Santa Fe Drive: Exit Titan Parkway and head west; Titan Parkway turns into Titan Road; Turn north (right) onto Eagle River Street to the roundabout; Continue around the roundabout onto Chatfield Lake Road; At the second roundabout continue around onto Roxborough Park Road; Turn west (left) at Lake Breeze Drive and follow the signs to the sales office |
exclusions: | Seller's personal possessions and any staging items. |
highSchool: | Thunderridge |
possession: | Close Plus 1 Day |
builderName: | Shea Homes |
commonWalls: | No Common Walls |
concessions: | Buyer Closing Costs/Seller Points Paid |
contingency: | None Known |
lotSizeArea: | 8812 |
psfFinished: | 266.46 |
builderModel: | 5083C Brookside |
buildingName: | The Reflection Collection |
listingTerms: | Cash, Conventional, FHA, Jumbo, VA Loan |
lotSizeUnits: | Square Feet |
parkingCount: | 2 |
psfAboveGrade: | 402.21 |
structureType: | House |
buyerFinancing: | Conventional |
directionFaces: | East |
homeWarrantyYN: | yes |
windowFeatures: | Double Pane Windows |
associationName: | Solstice Owners Assoc/Clifton Larson Allen |
feeFrequencyMLS: | Monthly |
roadSurfaceType: | Paved |
taxAnnualAmount: | 12657 |
waterIncludedYN: | yes |
elementarySchool: | Coyote Creek |
roadFrontageType: | Public |
concessionsAmount: | 45000 |
mainLevelBedrooms: | 3 |
propertyCondition: | New Construction, Under Construction |
restrictionsOther: | Buyer to check Douglas county |
attributionContact: | tomrman@aol.com,303-910-8436 |
contractMinEarnest: | 35000.00 |
mainLevelBathrooms: | 4 |
roadResponsibility: | Public Maintained Road |
allowedUseCaseGroups: | IDX |
associationFeeAnnual: | 1419.00 |
middleOrJuniorSchool: | Ranch View |
associationFee2Annual: | 0.00 |
associationFee3Annual: | 0.00 |
basementCeilingHeight: | 9'-10' |
basementLevelBedrooms: | 1 |
restrictionsCovenants: | Other |
aboveGradeFinishedArea: | 2536 |
associationFeeIncludes: | Recycling, Trash |
basementLevelBathrooms: | 1 |
belowGradeFinishedArea: | 1292 |
contractEarnestCheckTo: | Shea Homes |
interiorOrRoomFeatures: | Eat-in Kitchen, Five Piece Bath, High Ceilings, High Speed Internet, Kitchen Island, Open Floorplan, Pantry, Primary Suite, Quartz Counters, Smart Thermostat, Smoke Free, Utility Sink, Walk-In Closet(s), Wet Bar |
multipleAssociationsYN: | no |
restrictionsCovenantsYN: | yes |
specialTaxingDistrictYN: | yes |
belowGradeUnfinishedArea: | 1150.00 |
specialListingConditions: | None |
associationFeeTotalAnnual: | 1419.00 |
associationManagementType: | Professionally Managed |
associationTransferAmount: | $275 |
middleOrJuniorSchoolDistrict: | Douglas RE-1 |
timeOfCompletionFromGroundbr: | Anticipated Completion November 2023 |