Home Inspection – What to Expect
Home inspections are used either by Heritage at Todd Creek home sellers, before they put their property out on the market, to find out about the issues that might need to be corrected to obtain a better price or by home buyers, for identifying the issues with the property that might influence their final decision to buy or to make a different offer.
During the inspection, the specialist you hire will examine all the important components of the building envelope, including the foundation, the walls and the drywall, the attic and the roof. The home inspection will also involve the checking and the evaluation of the electrical system, of the plumbing, of the heating, cooling and ventilation systems in the room and the detailed inspection of each of the rooms in the home and of the adjacent construction, such as the shed or the garage. Your inspector will also walk around your landscape to check it. The inspection will not involve the space behind the walls of the building and inspectors usually don’t look into chimneys, behind electrical panels and into sewage pipes.
The inspection process usually concludes in a detailed report in which all the issues discovered during the inspection are included to provide you in-depth information to use for setting the right buying or selling price.